October 12, 2007

about me

Hi, I´m Maja, I like to do lots of fun things like taking care of farm and exotic animals, horseback riding, carriage driving and gardening. So do contact me and we´ll chat ;)


David's said...

Btw wich animals and plants have you got?

Maja said...

Hi David, animals come and go in our household, but plant just keep coming, at the moment I have a snake called Miša (she looks just like the one in the photo above), a mare Lara and we are expecting a foal in spring, there is also a turtle Ninđa, and a dog Jaka. As for plants I have lots of carnivorous plants and some cactus.

Saša said...

Love the colours radiating from this blog. Is your Miša poisonous? Where did you get it? In a pet shop?

Maja said...

Welcome Saša, yeah green is my color :), no Miša is not poisonous, she (it) is a common Corn Snake, in Slovenia known as "Ameriški gož", I bought her (it) from a Slovenian breeder about two years ago, you'd be surprised how many different exotic animal breeders are in Slovenia, you can find anything from all kind of tarantulas, geckos, snakes (poisonous and not), chameleons, cockroaches and more...

Dušan said...

Congratulations Maja, welcome in our world of IT and blogging.
I think that exotic plants and animals are embellishing our planet.
About your quiz question, I don’t know the name of plant but I’m almost certain it is carnivorous.
Bye :)

Rob. said...

hello! how are you?nice blog i like the animals too!specially snakes. my mom have a lot of parrots in her farm!have a nice day!

Rony Villalobos said...

Hi maya i'm rony from maracaibo VENEZUELA i like your blog is nice. Do you like very much the animals? i think yes, because in your blog have nice picture